

Painting live at a festival in Santa Barbra, 2018

Painting live at a festival in Santa Barbra, 2018

I love painting. I didn’t always though. My relationship to painting has changed as I have advanced along my journey. I’m self-taught and so I have had to learn the hard way, through trial and error. Lots of error! Painting used to be much more of a struggle for me and as a result I had a sort of love hate relationship with it. Drawing was my retreat, I love to draw, and when the going got tough I’d retreat to the old mighty pencil for comfort. But over the years I have slowly developed new techniques and confidence which has made painting a great joy, the love of my life. I can’t imagine not being able to paint and I have come to the point in my journey where it’s time to help others find this same love for painting.

Painting is part passion and part technique. Both of these elements need to be in balance for you to reach your full potential as an artist. Passion alone won’t always produce a good painting and neither will a solid technique. You need to develop both of these things and find a harmony that allows you to create without struggle and anxiety about your work. The worst thing you can do is have anxiety about your work.

My approach is not academic. I don’t teach color theory for example. I believe that you learn these things from personal experience, by trying different things until you find what works best for you personally. No great book or teacher will make you a great artist. You need to be willing to work really hard to develop your creative voice, I can only point you in a certain direction and maybe help you avoid some pitfalls. I can walk you through different steps in creating a painting. I can show you some tricks that have worked for me and maybe you will find them inspiring. We can talk about the mediums and materials available to you and find what works best for you. No two artists are the same.

It’s a nice day. to paint outside on the deck!

Private Lessons

Whether you’re a beginner or already have experience as a painter, I can help you grow as a painter. I have more than 20 years of direct experience painting in oils and acrylics, and a lifetime of experience drawing and making art in general.

I invite you to paint with me one on one, or in a group of not more than three. Location will be at the Haven in Portland, Oregon.

Please email me to schedule a free phone call to see if a class with me is right for you.


Private lessons with one student are $40 an hour with a minimum of 2 hours reserved in one day and a maximum of 3 hours. For two to three students at a time the rate is $35 per hour for each student. Multiple days can be scheduled.

Students will be responsible for buying and bringing their own art supplies. I can make material suggestions in advance so you can purchase what you need.

Drum making workshops

I’m now teaching frame drum making from my studio at the Haven in Portland, Oregon. Rates are $50 per individual for groups of 2-3 people or $80 for individuals. You will also need to buy a drum kit which is $155-$190 and includes the mallet. For more details or to book a session please email me.